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Science 12 - Biology: 2. Plants and animals transport dissolved nutrients and gases in a fluid medium

Students learn

Students learn to: 

  • identify the form(s) in which each of the following is carried in mammalian blood: – carbon dioxide – oxygen – water – salts – lipids – nitrogenous waste – other products of digestion
  • explain the adaptive advantage of haemoglobin 
  • compare the structure of arteries, capillaries and veins in relation to their function 
  • describe the main changes in the chemical composition of the blood as it moves around the body and identify tissues in which these changes occur  outline the need for oxygen in living cells and explain why removal of carbon dioxide from cells is essential 
  • describe current theories about processes responsible for the movement of materials through plants in xylem and phloem tissue

Transporting dissolved nutrients and gases

Xylem and Phloem

Program Timeline

Skip through until you get to Xylem Transport and Phloem Transport

00:00:00     Introduction

00:01:31     What is a Transport System?

00:06:38     How do Plants Get Their Nutrient?

00:11:06     Root Hairs

00:14:19     Xylem Transport

00:18:39     Phloem Transport