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Science 12 - Biology: Option: Communication

Students learn

Students learn to:

Humans are social animals and, as such, are in constant communication with others. Many animals have an extensive range of communication strategies that include both visual and vocal signals. Learning these signals relies heavily on the involvement of all the sensory organs as well as the brain.

While the full range of senses can be involved in communication, the relative importance of each of the senses differs from animal to animal. This module focuses on the two senses that are important for many vertebrate and invertebrate animals – sight and hearing.

Human cultural development exploded with the development of speech and the concurrent increasing complexity of communication. For some people, however, communication signals are not identified effectively because of faults in the sending, receiving or deciphering of some of the signals. With increasing advances in technology, assistance for people with difficulties in communicating continues to improve.

This module increases students’ understanding of the history, applications and uses of biology, the implications of biology for society and the environment, and current issues, research and developments in biology.

Action Potentials

How a neurone fires

Dancing Honey Bees

Dancing Honeybee Using Vector Calculus to Communicate

Subject Guide