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Visual Arts 10-12: Art Styles

Mind map

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Frame work

  • Structural – what is the work made of? How is it made? What does it look like?
  • Subjective – how does it make you feel? What is the mood of the work?
  • Cultural – what era and society was the work made in? Does it show evidence of a specific culture?
  • Postmodern – is the work an appropriation? Why and how?
  • Artist – what does the work say about the artist? Is it a personal work for the artist?
  • Audience – for what audience was the work made? How do audiences react to the work?
  • World – how has the world/time and place of the artwork influenced it? Does the artwork say something about the world?

Art Style and Movements

Developing your style

Cats - Different Art Styles

Art Styles
