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HIS 10 - Rights and Freedoms: Home - Human Rights

Struggles for rights and freedoms for minorities and indigenous peoples


Freedom Fighters


Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Methods Used By Civil Rights Activists 

Concept Description

Identify and select different kinds of questions about the past to inform historical inquiry (ACHHS184)

Identify the origin, purpose and context of primary and secondary sources (ACHHS187)
The significance of the following for the civil rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples: 1962 right to vote federally; 1967 Referendum; Reconciliation; Mabo decision; Bringing Them Home Report (the Stolen Generations), the Apology (ACDSEH106)
Background to the struggle of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples for rights and freedoms before 1965, including the 1938 Day of Mourning and the Stolen Generations (ACDSEH104)


Overview of Human Rights