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ENG - Creative Writing: Creative Writing

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Talk to books

Talk to Books

In Talk to Books, when you type in a question or a statement, the model looks at every sentence in over 100,000 books to find the responses that would most likely come next in a conversation. The response sentence is shown in bold, along with some of the text that appeared next to the sentence for context.

Talk to Books screenshot
Talk to Books


Mastering Talk to Books may take some experimentation. Although it has a search box, its objectives and underlying technology are fundamentally different than those of a more traditional search experience. It's simply a demonstration of research that enables an AI to find statements that look like probable responses to your input rather than a finely polished tool that would take into account the wide range of standard quality signals. You may need to play around with it to get the most out of it.

Podcast from Writer's Festivals

Read other's writing

Literature databases

Literature and Language databases - you will need your State Library card

Especially try


Writing hints

Getting fact and language right - Anachronism - Downton Abbey


1 : an error in chronology; especially misplacing of persons, events, objects, or customs in regard to each other.

2 : a person or a thing that is chronologically out of place

Creative Writing Resource Guide

First line generator

Hand hobbies: a resource guide to writing basics 

Story tools for young authors


write animation


27 Videos That Can Help Students Improve Their Writing

The Writer's Workshop is a playlist of twenty-seven TED-Ed video lessons about writing. The The Writer's Workshop contains lessons on basic topics like how to use punctuation and point of view. It also offers videos about more difficult topics like how to make your writing humorous.

Getting it published


Figment is a community where you can share your writing, connect with other readers, and discover new stories and authors. Whatever you're into, from sonnets to mysteries, from sci-fi stories to cell phone novels, you can find it all here. Their contest page also is a great place to find contests where you can enter your writing and win money and prizes



Cowbird is a public library of human experience. Our mission is to gather and preserve exceptional stories of human life, so the insight and wisdom we accumulate as individuals can live on in the commons, as a resource for others to look to for guidance. We offer a simple set of storytelling tools, designed to encourage contemplation and depth — for free, and without ads. Currently, 49,413 authors from 184 countries have told 82,584 stories on 27,992 topics. We invite you to join us and contribute your stories.