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Sound effect Libguide - From SVA Library

Free music from Youtube

Royalty Free Music


Image result for you tube Free Music

 Richard Byrne from his blog: Free Technology for Teachers


The Free Music Archive provides free, high-quality, music in a wide range of genres. The content on Free Music Archive is used under various creative commons licenses. The New York State Music Fund provided initial funding for FMA. FMA seeks to maintain a high-quality resource through the use of selected curators who approve or deny all submissions to the collection. Anyone can download music from FMA for use in podcasts, videos, and other digital presentation formats. The music collections can be searched by genre or by curator.


PodSafe Audio, is a resource that I discovered last summer and had some of my students use last year. PodSafe Audio is good place to locate and download free music for multimedia presentations. PodSafe Audio is a community of musicians who create music and share it for the purpose of fair-use in podcasts.



Sound Bible is a resource for finding and downloading free sound clips, sound effects, and sound bites. All of the sounds on Sound Bible are either public domain or labeled with a Creative Commons license. You can find sounds for use in podcasts, videos, slideshows, or other multimedia creations.


Royalty Free Music hosts music tracks that can be reused in numerous ways. Royalty Free Music charges the general public for their downloads, but students and teachers can download quite a bit of the music for free. To access the free music tracks students and teachers should visit the education page on Royalty Free Music.


Jamendo is a source of free and legal music downloads. The music on Jamendo comes from the artists who upload it themselves. While not all of the music is licensed for re-use, there is a substantial collection of music labeled with a Creative Commons license. As always, before re-using any of the music you download make sure it is labeled for re-use.


From the same people that brought us the great computational search engine Wolfram Alpha comes Wolfram Tones. Wolfram Tones uses algorithms, music theory, and sound samples to generate new collections of sounds. Visitors to Wolfram Tones can experiment with sounds and rhythms to make their own sounds. Wolfram Tones allows visitors to choose samples from fifteen different genres of music on which to build their own sounds. Once a genre is selected visitors can then alter the rhythms, instrumentation, and pitch mapping of their sounds. When satisfied with their creations, users can download their sounds or have them sent directly to their cell phones.


Monkey Machine is a free web-based program that allows students to experiment with drum set sounds and rhythms. Using Monkey Machine students can customize the selection of drums and cymbals in their virtual drum set. Monkey Machine also allows students to customize the tempo in their drum tracks and the frequency with which each drum or cymbal is played. All tracks created using Monkey Machine can be downloaded as MIDI files.




Image result for purple planet royalty free music icon

Purple Planet Music works out of Manchester and Leeds, England. Geoff Harvey and Chris Martyn compose, perform, record, produce and mix all Purple Planet material. Matt Dingle is Studio Manager. 

We like our music to have a natural feel so we use loads of real instruments such as guitars, basses and percussion instruments. In addition to these we use a wide range of software instruments and sample collections.  We can pretty much create anything! 


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Freeplaymusic - please still check the user conditions



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Free Royalty Free Creative Commons Music

Hi, I'm Dan-O and I post my original music as free MP3 downloads here on You can listen to the songs online or download the tracks. It's also legal to use the music royalty free in your video, game, film, presentation, slideshow or website.

You have my permission to use the songs for personal or commercial use. I use a simple creative commons license that allows you to use the tracks legally. If you are adding the music in your project and you want to use it royalty free, these are the terms:


1. Free with credit to: Music by Dan-O at See the License FAQ for credit options.

2. Without credit donate at least $10 US per track or buy the package: Donating is an easy way to use one of my tracks by giving you more freedom when sharing your project. I accept paypal, credit card, check, money order and monthly donations. For options click here. The package offers the most publishing flexibility and access to 77+ mp3s on your hard drive. If you have questions see the License FAQ.

Please donate so I can spend more time making free music for you!


Where can I find CC-licensed music?

Several sites offer music published under Creative Commons’ flexible copyright licenses. Here are some:

    •  ccMixter
    • Freesound is a good source of sound effects and background noises, all available for reuse.
    •  free Creative Commons music, featuring a large range of genres.
    • DigccMixter: a community music site featuring remixes licensed under Creative Commons where you can listen to, sample, mash-up, or interact with music in whatever way you want.
    • Jamendo: a community of free, legal and unlimited music published under Creative Commons licenses.
    • Magnatune: find the music you like, then click the 'licence' link and select the option 'non-commercial and student projects.'
    • Simuze
    • BeatPick:  Free music for on-commercial projects.
    • SectionZ;  Some good loops
    • Opsound:  download works, make copies, share them, include them in other works, remix and rearrange them, even sell them.
    • AudioFarm
    • The Mutopia Project provides sheet music in the Public Domain or licensed under Creative Commons.
    • International Music Score Library Project (IMSLP) provides public domain music scores, and some music scores of contemporary composers made available under a CC BY SA licence. 





Public Domain

Before you use someone's work check

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Always look at the bottom of the webpage

Create music

Create Your Own Music




Music scores

Image from H Varian's Flickr photostream  -  This site offers free music scores in the following categories, but read the Terms of Agreement




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