Year 11 Legal Studies - Assessment Task 3 - Contemporary Issue
Law and borders: The Rise of Law in Cyberspace
The law's race to keep up with technological change
Technology and the law: dealing with the 'law lag'
Laws and ethics can't keep pace with technology
Cyber buylling - Laws stuggling to keep up with technology
Law Stuff - Cyber bullying
Law in an Age of Fantastic Technological Change
Commonwealth and State Legislation
Human embryos and cloning
Cloning and embryonic research in Australia: a review of the legislative position
Intellectual property and Copyright
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New Counter-Terrorism Measures - PM Office
Cyberterrorism - Challenges in Creating International Framework
Australia's anti-terrorism legislation
Cyber crime sentencing: the Effectiveness of Criminal Justice responses
R v Boden [2002] QCA 164
Cyber racism - Racial hatred on the Internet
Australia must have zero tolerance for online hatred
Online child sex exploitation
Child abuse and the Internet
Protecting Children from online sexual predators
Carly Ryan: a loving girl who fell prey to an online predator
How predator John Zimmerman lured girls online
Proposed tougher laws for online predators
Identity Crime
National Identity Security Scandal
Identity Fraud
Criminalising identity theft
Law stuff - Identity theft
Identity theft hits one in five
Identity theft: more than 770,000 Australians victims in the last year
Law in an age of Fanstatic Technological Change
For you information: Australian Privacy Law and Practice
Internet communications and other technologies
Law stuff - Privacy
Law stuff - Online privacy
We are losing the battle for online privacy