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Studies of Religion 11 - Muslim Ethics: Ethics

Islam Ethics - Audio file

Sexual ethics

4b HSC Depth Study - Islam by J. Portelli

Sisters in Islam organisation

Honour Killings

Honour crimes BBC Ethics Guide.


In depth study Islam ethics


Polygamy - Polygyny in Islam

  Polygyny is legal.  Legal status unknown or ambiguous.  Polygyny generally illegal, but its practice not fully criminalized.  Polygamy outlawed or abolished and its practice criminalized.


"Men having many wives?

Men and women can have as many spouses as they can fit into a lifetime; but this is not generally approved. Women are requested to have only one husband at a time (there is evidence that wealthy Arab women were polyandrous before the coming of Islam - certainly wealthy men were polygynous), and men are limited to four at one time, whereas previously there had been no limit, and a wealthy and generous man was expected to cater for as many women as he could afford (in the absence of a welfare state). ...  No Muslim was ever to deliberately cause hurt or harm to another Muslim, so a man might not take extra womenfolk into his home if it would cause upset and distress (it was recommended when there were lots of widows after warfare, if the women were willing to be generous to bereft 'sisters'). Also, if a man could not provide equal treatment of his wives - equal food, clothing, money, living quarters, time spent with - he was refused permission for polygamy. Equal sexual activity was not ruled on, however. Some wives had no sexual relationship with their husbands at all after a while, or if they came into the household as widows of relatives." / ©BBC "BBC - Religions - Islam: Sharia."

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'Islamic view about Homosexuality' by Zafar Khan

Islamic views on contraception (BBC)

Sexual Ethics

Professor Kecia Ali - present in video format - Sexual ethics in Islam

Right of women to worship in Mosques


'Temporary 'Enjoyment Marriages' In Vogue Again With Some Iraqis' by Nancy Trejos (Washington Post). This is in reference to mutaa (mutah) marriages. See also: 'Iran talks up temporary marriages' by Frances Harrison (BBC News).

What is Muta Marriage? (Makashfa)

 HSC Studies of Religion: Sexual Ethics in Islam (Marco Cimino)



Ethics and War

Muslim Ethics and War - Newington College

Domestic Violence

An Islamic Perspective on Domestic Violence / Azizah Y. al-Hibri. Fordham International Law Journal, Volume, 27, Issue (1) 2003. Article 8

Acceptance of domestic violence by women in some Islamic countries, according to UNICEF (2013). [UNICEF Information site (Web Archive Data)].

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Womens Rights - Divorce and inheritance

Khul‘ [divorce) practices in the modern world.   IN: a special edition of Islamic Law and Society, Volume 26 (2019): Issue 1-2 (Jan 2019)

What Muslims Around the World Think About Women's Rights, in Charts : Insights from the massive Pew survey of adherents of the world's second-largest religion. Olga Khazan  .

Women's Rights in Islam Regarding Marriage and Divorce William Mitchell Journal of Law & Practice.

Fatawa - Does a divorced woman and her child inherit (Dar al-Ifta, Cairo, Egypt)

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