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HIS 11 - The world at the beginning of the 20th Century: Turn of the Century

This LibGuide should get you thinking - enjoy your history but please remember to credit all sources. While you investigate the forces and ideas for change and continuity that shaped the early 20th century

Other useful video

This link will lead to other useful video content

Age of Nationalism 1850-1914


The new balance of power

Audio Podcast

Urbanisation in Europe

Causes of WW1



Internet History Sourcebooks Project

A huge collection of public domain and copy-permitted historical texts presented cleanly (without advertising or excessive layout) for educational use. The following pages are particularly useful:

The First World War (1914-1918)
Good summaries of the long-term causes of the war, including national rivalries, the alliance system, militarism, economic rivalries and colonial rivalries.


World at the turn of the Century

Search terms

Ideas for search terms

• anarchism

• anti-semitism

• capitalism

• democracy

• imperialism

• industrialisation

• liberalism

• militarism

• nationalism

• socialism

• trade unionism

• traditional diplomacy

• urbanisation

Ideas to think about

  • the unequal distribution of wealth and power between countries, between social classes, between men and women and responses to these
  • attempts of industrialised nations to bring all areas of the world under their political, economic, social, cultural and religious influence and the colonial and economic rivalries that resulted from this
  • nationalist demands and increased awareness of cultural identity
  • the decline of dynastic authority
  • the class system across different cultures and popular demands for social, economic and political reform
  • population growth, increased urbanisation and the decline of the countryside
  • slavery and worker exploitation and responses within individual cultures
  • technological change and its economic, political, social and cultural impact
  • emerging ideologies and their challenges to traditional social, political, economic and religious structures
  • traditional diplomacy, aggression and war as instruments of foreign policy