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ENG 12 - Related Texts - Human Experience: Home


What does it mean to be human

Judge giving mercy

Aspects of text that may be used to represent the human condition

  • language
  • forms, modes and media
  • structure, stylistic and grammatical features
  • storytelling (which brings to mind features such as narrative technique, point of view, allegory and characterisation, as well as a variety of forms)
  • visual, verbal and/or digital language elements of different modes and media

State Library of NSW - Finding related texts


Human Condition

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Human Experience

  • feelings or reactions (momentary or long term): love, hate, anger, joy, fear, disgust
  • key milestones or stages: birth, childhood, adulthood, marriage, divorce, death  culture, belonging and identity
  •  conformity and rebellion
  •  innocence and guilt, justice
  •  freedom and repression
  •  education, vocation, work, sport, leisure
  •  attraction to a person, idea, group or cause
  •  opposition to an idea, cause, political system
  • religious faith or belief
  •  extreme events such as an earthquake, avalanche, tsuanami
  • regular events such as walking, eating, singing, dancing, discussing ideas. 

Focus questions

  1. How can composers use language and other resources to represent the range and complexity of individual and collective human experiences in texts?
  2. How can purpose and context, mode and medium influence the ways in which human experiences are represented?
  3. To what extent are responses to representations of human experiences shaped by the text and by the perspectives they bring to the text?